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Artificial Grass Avoca

The eco-friendly choice for your lawn

Upgrade your outdoor area with our exceptional synthetic grass solutions in Avoca. Our premium-grade artificial turf delivers the lushness and richness of natural grass with minimal upkeep. Say goodbye to the hassle of watering, mowing, and fertilising and welcome the elegance of hassle-free astro-turf. Our synthetic turf is designed to look and feel just like real grass, enhancing the organic and attractive appearance of your outdoor space. Get in touch with us today to receive a free consultation and discover how we can help create a stunning, low-maintenance lawn for you.

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About Us

Synthetic Turf Lawn Newcastle

We take great pride in offering premium-quality synthetic turf solutions to homeowners and businesses in the Avoca region. Our team of experienced professionals has years of expertise in the industry and has become a trusted name when it comes to providing high-quality artificial grass.

We understand that maintaining a beautiful lawn can be a challenging and time-consuming task. That’s why we offer our clients a low-maintenance solution that is both cost-effective and visually stunning. With our synthetic turf products, you can say goodbye to watering, mowing, and fertilising, and hello to a beautiful lawn that stays green and lush all year round.

We understand that our clients’ needs are unique. That’s why we take the time to listen to your requirements carefully and work closely with you to design a solution that is tailored to your specific needs. Our commitment to providing exceptional customer service has earned us a reputation for being one of the leading synthetic grass providers in the Avoca region.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to transform your outdoor space with a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn, look no further than our company. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the perfect lawn for your home or business.

Services We Offered

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What We Offer

Design & Installation:
We offer a range of services to suit different needs and preferences, from residential to commercial applications. Our expert installers can ensure a perfect fit and long-lasting results, giving you peace of mind.
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Customisation & Fabrication:
Our team can create bespoke products to suit specific requirements. This can include custom sizes, shapes, colours, and patterns, ensuring a unique and personalised solution that meets your exact needs.
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Maintenance & Repair:
We provide regular maintenance services to keep your products looking their best, including cleaning and repair. We can also repair any damage or wear and tear that may occur over time, ensuring your products remain in top condition for longer.
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Consulting & Design:
We offer expert advice and design services to help you choose the right products for your needs. Our team can also assist with planning and designing your space to achieve the desired look and feel, giving you the perfect solution for your needs.
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Removal & Disposal:
We can remove and dispose of old materials, making way for the new installation. We can also ensure that the old materials are disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, reducing your environmental impact.
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Child & Pet-Friendly Options:
Our products are safe for children and pets, as well as non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals. These products are designed to be durable and long-lasting while being gentle on the environment, ensuring your family's safety.
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Sports Turf Installations:
We can provide synthetic turf solutions for sports fields, gyms, and other athletic facilities. Our products are designed to be durable, shock-absorbing, and able to withstand heavy use, ensuring a safe and high-performance playing surface.
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What set us Apart

Quality Craftsmanship

We take pride in our attention to detail and quality craftsmanship when it comes to our products and installations. Our team of experts uses only the best materials and techniques to ensure that our customers receive a superior finished product.

Personalised Approach

We understand that every customer is unique, and we take a personalised approach to each project. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring that we deliver a custom solution that meets their specific requirements.

Fast Turnaround Time

We understand the importance of timely service and strive to provide a quick turnaround time for all our projects. Our team is dedicated to delivering a finished product promptly without compromising quality.

Advantages of Artificial Turf

Our Satisfied Clients


Areas We Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Synthetic grass has a porous backing that allows water to drain through to the ground below, similar to natural grass.

Yes, synthetic grass can be installed on a slope, but it may require additional installation techniques to ensure proper drainage.

Yes, synthetic grass is suitable for playgrounds as it is non-toxic, soft, and provides a safe surface for children to play on.

Synthetic grass can get hot in direct sunlight, but it does not retain heat like concrete or asphalt. It can also be cooled down with water or shade.

Some synthetic grass products are fire-resistant, but it depends on the quality of the product and the level of fire resistance. It is best to consult with a professional synthetic grass company to determine the best product for your needs.

The cost of synthetic grass depends on various factors, such as the size of the area, type of product, and level of installation. A professional synthetic grass company can provide a quote based on your specific needs.

Synthetic grass requires minimal maintenance compared to natural grass. Regular brushing and cleaning can help to maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan.

Yes, synthetic grass can be recycled, but it depends on the type of product and the recycling facilities available in your area.